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Party Favor Source

Bottle Openers & Bottle Stoppers

Ask yourself: what is the favorite party favor you've ever received? We'd be willing to bet it was some type of wine-related barware and most likely a wine bottle opener or bottle stopper! And there are so many beautiful and whimsical ones to choose from. For example, if you're planning a French-themed romantic wedding, you'll find stoppers topped with a replica of the Eiffel Tower. Planning a beach wedding? You're in luck because you'll find wine bottle stoppers topped with starfish, stylized scallop shells and even a clear globe filled with smooth sand and small sea-shells. In fact, there are stoppers for just about any wedding theme: hearts aplenty, fleur-de-lis, calla lily, spring butterfly, fall leaves … the list goes on and on. As for bottle openers, you'll find lots of designs complementary to the stoppers. Popular new designs include several key-shaped openers.