Useful tote bags never go out of style, so they make versatile and stylish bridesmaids gifts or as favors during corporate events and other gatherings such as trade conferences and sales meetings. Giveaway tote bags are very practical to use because they have so much space for all your stuff such as your purse, vanity kit, smart phone, and other small items. These days, tote bags are also often used as reusable shopping bags.
If you are looking for quality and stylish tote bags, check out these Personalized Felt Carry-All Totes that are available in two colors: black with grey interior or grey with blue interior.
Even better, these totes may be custom embroidered with your name (up to 15 letters) or a large single initial in your choice of 20 vibrant thread colors. These tote bags are made of 100% polyester felt so they are easy to clean and reusable.